There are tools for streamers to be able to cast certain tournament sets.

All T.O.s as well as members with the streamer role, defined with !tset roles streamer, have access to tournament commands.

The !stream command

It is both the command displaying the different links of the streamers, as well as the grouped command to configure the streams.

When using !stream, Twitch links from streamers will be displayed.

With !help stream, you will see the list of available subcommands.

!stream init

Initiate a stream with this command. You must include your channel’s Twitch link.


!stream init

!stream set

Another command well dedicated to Smash Bros. : set your arena ID and passcode for players.


!stream set CQ8M8 147

!stream add and !stream remove

Add or remove sets from your queue stream.

You can add sets that have already started, players will then be pinged to warn that they are pending (or not, if the list was initially empty).

You can add multiple sets at the same time.


!stream add 251 252 253 254 255

You can then remove certain sets from your waiting list with !stream remove.

If you remove a set in progress or on hold, players will be warned that they can resume alone.


The sets that go on stream strictly respect the order given. If a set is ready to be cast, but another set awaiting players is ahead, the set will be put on hold and you will not have a set to cast.

To correct this problem, see the following commands.

You can remove all sets from your waiting list at once with !stream remove all

!stream swap and !stream insert

These two commands change the order of your queue.

  • ! stream swap swaps the position of two sets in your waiting list.
  • ! stream insert will insert a set at another position in the waiting list.


You have a waiting list with the following sets:

  • 250
  • 251
  • 252
  • 253
  • 254

Do !stream swap 252 254 and this is the result:

  • 250
  • 251
  • 254
  • 253
  • 252

DO !stream insert 253 250 and this is the result (still with the same list):

  • 253
  • 250
  • 251
  • 254
  • 252

!stream replace

Replace your waiting list with a new reordered one.

You can give the same sets as those already in your waiting list, which will simply change the order.

It is also possible to give a list different from the previous one, resulting in the withdrawal or addition of new sets to your waiting list. In this case, the bot will show you the affected sets and ask for confirmation to proceed.

!stream info

Displays all the information about your stream, such as the link, access codes, or the set waiting list.

!stream end

Ends your stream. All sets pending for your stream will then be relaunched.

!stream transfer

Transfer ownership of your stream to someone else. Useful if, for example, a T.O. wants to set up someone’s stream before handing it over.


Any T.O. or streamer can edit anyone’s stream by specifying their channel as the first argument of the command.


  • !stream add 251 252 253 254 255
  • !stream remove 253
  • !stream info
  • !stream set U9FGR 260