Almost all of the commands are listed here.

Remember that the !help command will show all the commands you can use in context, with more details. More details on the help command here.


Use !help Tournaments.


More details here for the general config. See also the registration/check-in and seeding docs.


Command Description
!challongeset Challonge ID settings
!challongeset username Challonge username
!challongeset api API key, or Challonge token


Command Description
!tset All settings
!tset channels Channel setting
!tset channels announcements Announcement channel (registrations/start/end)
!tset channels category Tournament Category
!tset channels checkin Check-in channel
!tset channels queue Set announcements channel
!tset channels register Registration channel
!tset channels ruleset Set a channel used as a ruleset
!tset channels scores Scores input channel
!tset channels stream Stream announcement channel
!tset channels to T.O.s channel (required)
!tset roles Setting roles
!tset roles participant Participant role (given to registrants)
!tset roles player Set a player role in this game, used for opening registrations (permissions + mention)
!tset roles streamer Streamer role (giving access to commands)
!tset roles tester The role to be mentioned when requesting a lag test (with !lag).
!tset roles to Role of T.O. (not necessary if modos and admin are configured with Red)
!tset register Regulates the start and end of registrations (in minutes, before the start of the tournament)
!tset checkin Sets the start and end of the check-in (in minutes, before the start of the tournament)
!tset twostageregister Defines a 2nd opening hours for registrations
!tset autostopregister Defines whether registrations should close as soon as the limit is reached (can be combined with the above setting, very useful)
!tset delay Sets the time before DQ of AFK players (10 min by default)
!tset startbo5 Defines when matches switch from BO3 to BO5
!tset warntime Adjusts the time before warning players and T.O.s of excessively long matches
!tset baninfo Defines the ban mode (ex: 3-4-1). If this is set, the bot will choose a random player at the start of each match to start the bans.
!tset ranking Set a ranking for seeding
!tset stages Defines a list of legal internships
!tset counters Defines a list of legal counters
!tset config Configuration settings
!tset config add Add a configuration to the list
!tset config delete Removes one of the saved configurations
!tset config list List the available configurations
!tset settings Displays global server settings
!tinfo Displays various information on the current tournament, according to its phase (between registrations and tournament progress)


Lancer/stopper manuellement

Commande Description
!register start Start registrations
!register stop Stop registrations
!checkin start Start the check-in
!checkin stop Stop check-in (unsubscribe from all non-check registrants)
!checkin call Reminder to non-check members (mention + PM if requested with !checkin call yes)
!upload Seed (if ranking configured) and upload the participants to the bracket, removing the old ones already registered.


Command Description
!in Register for the tournament, or check.
!out Unsubscribe from the tournament before it starts (otherwise use !dq)
!add For T.O.s, registers one or more members in the tournament, also acts as a check
!rm For T.O.s, unsubscribe one or more members from the tournament, also usable during the tournament (acts as DQ)
!tfix registerfromrole Register (and check if necessary) all members of a role in the tournament

Commande Description
!start Starts the configured tournament

Pendant le tournoi

Plus de détails ici.

Commandes de joueur

Command Description
!bracket Displays the tournament bracket link
!stages Displays the list of internships authorized for this tournament
!counters Displays the list of authorized counter stages for this tournament
!ruleset Show tournament rules channel
!stream If there are live streams, show Twitch links
!win The winner of a set settles their score with this command (restricted to the score entry channel, if set). Example:!win 2-1
!ff The participant of a set forfeits. This will set a score of -1 0 on the bracket. The participant is not necessarily disqualified, he can go in loser bracket.
!dq The participant abandons the tournament and disqualifies himself. He is then the loser of all his future sets.
!lag Thought for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and its high quality online, this command calls the T.O.s and requires a lag test, to disqualify the joker poti who does not have an ethernet adapter.
!flip A simple coin toss command. Note that if a ban mode is configured, the bot chooses from the launch a participant to start the bans.

Commandes de T.O.

Command Description
!rm Disqualifies one or more players
!lsmatches List the matches in progress, sorted by duration. Useful for spotting sets slowing down the tournament.
!setscore Adjusts the score of a set. Type the command in a set’s channel, or specify the set as the first argument. (ex: in channel #52 !setscore @Laggron 2-0; out of channel !setscore 52 @Laggron 2-0)
!reset Resets the configured tournament. Only works if the tournament is not started. The roles of registrants are withdrawn.
!resetbracket Resetting the bracket (big red Reset button on Challonge), resulting in the loss of all scores. The tournament returns to its previous state (post registrations), registrants are kept, you can either restart with! Start or start from 0 with! Reset.
!tfix Advanced actions. More details here
!tinfo Displays information about the current tournament. Varies according to its phase

Commandes de streamer

More details here.

Command Description
!stream Displays the links of the current streams
!stream init Initializes a stream
!stream set Set the arena codes for a stream
!stream add Add sets to the queue (must not be launched)
!stream remove Remove sets from the waiting list (all to delete everything)
!stream swap Swap position of two sets
!stream insert Inserts a set at a new position in the list
!stream replace Replace your waiting list with a new reordered one
!stream info Displays the info of a stream (codes, sets, players, status)
!stream transfer Transfers ownership of a stream to another member
!stream end End your stream
!stream list List the streams configured on the tournament

Finally, !tournamentsinfo displays information about the module, such as the current version, the authors of the code, as well as various useful links (Github, Discord, documentation, translation, Patreon).


The Alias ​​module allows you to create aliases for commands (example: !adds = !stream add). Complete documentation

Command Description
!alias Manage aliases
!alias add Create an alias. More details here
!alias delete Remove an alias
!alias list List the available aliases
!alias show Display what will execute an alias
!alias help Display help for an alias


The audio module is just… ultra massive.

Compatible with Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, Twitch, Vimeo, Mixer, and even basic http links, it is a very powerful and feature rich module. So rich that I would have to redo this site 3 times bigger to explain it, so I’ll just go through the essential commands eh …

Commande Description
!play Play music from a URL or search terms
!search Do a search on Youtube and let you choose the music
!skip Go to the next music, you can enter a number
!prev Go to the previous music
!volume Sets bot volume between 1% and 150%
!seek Go forward or backward in the current music. Works with “+30” / “- 60” (in seconds) or “0:34:42” (timestamp)
!np Shows the music currently playing
!queue Displays the waiting list
!shuffle Randomly play the waiting list
!repeat Play the waiting list repeatedly
!bump Switch some music from the waiting list to first position
!bumpplay Skip music directly to first position. Do !bumpplay y ... to skip immediately
!remove Removes music from the waiting list
!pause Pause or restart the current music
!stop Stop the music and clear the waiting list
!dc Disconnect the bot from the voice
!summon Connect the bot to the voice channel you are in
!sing Red will sing you one of his songs (easter egg from the original bot, reference to Transistor)
!audioset Audio settings … there are a lot of them


A module to delete messages, more complete than you think …

If you just want to delete a number of messages, just do !clear x, that’s an alias by default. Otherwise, here are the details:

Command Description
!cleanup Basic command to delete messages
!cleanup after Delete all messages after the specified message
!cleanup before Deletes a number of messages before the specified message
!cleanup between Delete all messages between two specified messages
!cleanup bot Suppress command and bot messages
!cleanup messages Simple deletion of messages (!clear is an alias)
!cleanup self Suppress A..T.O.S messages.
!cleanup spam Removes duplicate messages, keeping only one copy
!cleanup text Deletes messages containing the specified text
!cleanup user Deletes messages containing the specified text


  • When you are asked to specify a message, you must obtain its ID (activate developer mode in the appearance options)
  • Except for !cleanup after and !cleanup between, you must enter the number of messages to delete
  • The bot will not delete pinned messages, unless you add yes at the end of your order


This module is the heart of the bot and cannot be unloaded. Again I only showed the essential commands, type !help Core to see everything.

Commande Description
!command Allows you to enable or disable commands or modules on the server
!ignore Disable the bot in certain channels
!unignore Reactivate the bot in certain channels
!info Infos about Red bot
!licenceinfo License information (legal brothel)
!invite Send the A.T.O.S invitations link in DM
!localallowlist Whitelist of members or roles (as soon as this list fills up, anyone who is not there can no longer use the bot)
!localdenylist Blacklist, prevent members or roles from using the bot
!mydata Ask to see or delete the data the bot keeps from you
!uptime Shows how long A.T.O.S. is connected
!set Various settings
!set addadminrole Defines a role as administrator for the bot, which will adapt the permissions of all commands
!set addmodrole Defines a role as moderator for the bot, which will adapt the permissions of all commands
!set removeadminrole Removes a role defined as administrator
!set removemodrole Removes a role defined as moderator
!set deletedelay Set a time before removing the message from the commands
!set nickname Set the bot nickname
!set serverprefix Change the bot prefix (s) on the server, use quotes if there are spaces (eg: !set serverprefix $ "atos> ")
!set showsettings Shows global bot settings


With this module, you can easily create custom orders with the bot.

Simple example

  • !cc add howtouse A summary list of commands can be found in the channel #help-bot

The !howtouse command will now display” A summary list of commands can be found in the #help-bot channel “.

Command Description
!cc Custom order management
!cc add Create a simple custom command (eg: !cc add name Here is the content of my "!name"command)
!cc add random Create an order with several answers (one will be chosen randomly)
!cc delete Delete a custom command
!cc edit Edit the response of a custom command
!cc list Displays the list of custom commands
!cc show Displays details about an order (response, author …)
!cc raw Displays the response of a raw command (formatting ignored)
!cc search Search among custom commands
!cc cooldown Manages the delay of a command (eg: usable twice every 60 seconds max)


Some controls of this module have been disabled to keep only the essentials that could be useful for tournaments.

Command Description
!choose Choose an element from several options, use quotes if there are spaces
!flip Heads or tails
!roll Simple order of dice (between 1 and 100 by default, otherwise specify the maximum number)
!serverinfo Displays information about the server


Ditto, most of the commands have been disabled to keep what’s not cumbersome and useful:

Command Description
!names Displays the user’s previous names and nicknames on the server.
!userinfo Displays various information about the user.