A.T.O.S. manages the registrations and the check-in (checking the presence of the players shortly before the start of the tournament). They don’t need to create an account on Challonge, only their Discord account is enough.

You can configure automatic opening and closing times for these two phases, calculated from the start date of the tournament.


When the registration phase is open, members can use the !in command to register.

This will give them the role of participant, configured with !tset roles participant.

Then they can use !out to unregister if they wish before the tournament begins.


The !out command is no longer available when the tournament has started. Use !dq instead.

If you have configured a participant limit on your tournament, it will be applied and will not allow registrations beyond.


Regardless of the registration status, T.O.s can use the !add/!rm commands at any time to register or unregister multiple members at once.

Automatic closing

It doesn’t matter whether your registrations start automatically, you can make the bot automatically close registrations when the participant limit is reached with the !tset autostopregister command.

If this setting is enabled, as soon as your tournament is full, the bot will close registrations. Participants can always unregister with !out.

You can open the registrations a second time to fill the places vacated by the players or the check-in, or even configure it automatically (see below).


The check-in is a phase preceding the start of the tournament which goal is to verify the presence of players for your tournament, in order to avoid ending up with too many AFK players.

When the check-in is initiated, all registered members must confirm their attendance by reusing the !in command. They can always unregister with the !out command.

Once the check-in is complete, all members who did not check are unregistered, freeing up space and allowing last minute registrations.


From the moment the check-in is launched, all new participants will be pre-checked, they will not need to go through this phase, even if the check-in has ended.

Check-in reminders

The bot can send messages mentioning all members who have not checked yet to make a reminder, with in addition DMs or not.

By default, the bot will send up to 3 reminders depending on the duration of the check-in:

  • If the check-in lasts at least 10 minutes, a reminder 5 minutes before the end
  • If the check-in lasts at least 20 minutes, a reminder 10 minutes before the end with DM
  • If the check-in lasts at least 40 minutes, a reminder 15 minutes before the end

This is only available if you have an end time configured, but still works with a manual launch.

You can also send these reminders manually:

  • !checkin call to send a message mentioning non-check members
  • !checkin call yes to send a message mentioning the non-check members + a DM to each


If you have configured a registration or check-in channel with !tset channels register and !tset channels checkin, it will be used as follows:

  • Opening of registrations / check-in

    1. The bot posts a pinned message in the channel which displays the number of subscribers in real time.
    2. Then he opens the channel
      • To the player role configured with !tset roles player for registrations (otherwise to the @everyone role).
      • To the registered role for check-in.
    3. For registrations, an announcement is posted to announce the opening of registrations, if you have an announcements channel configured (!tset channels announcements)
    4. Participants can use the !in command exclusively in the defined channel to register or check.

  • Closing of registrations / check-in

    1. The registration channel is closed, people can no longer write in it.
    2. The bot posts a message to announce the end.
    3. The !in command is no longer usable. However, registrants can still use the !out command.
    4. For check-in, members who have not checked in are unregistered.

If no registration or check-in channel is configured, then announcements are sent to your announcement channel instead, and the !in command becomes usable anywhere on the server. If you don’t have an announcement channel configured either, nothing is announced.


Red’s permissions still apply to these commands, with a channel configured or not.

Automatic schedules

It is possible to configure automatic opening and closing times for registrations and check-in using the !tset register and !tset checkin commands.

With these commands, you define an opening time and a closing time for each phase.

These times are not fixed, it is a period to count before the launch date of the tournament.


Your tournament must (according to Challonge) start on Saturday October 17 at 2:00 p.m.

You want registrations to start the day before, Friday October 16 at 7:00 p.m., and end 10 minutes before the start of the tournament.

Configure registration times so that they start 19 hours before, and end 10 minutes before the start of the tournament.

The commands should be used as follows:

  • !tset register <opening> <closing>
  • !tset checkin <opening> <closing>

<opening> and <closure> are therefore the delay before the scheduled date of the tournament. You must respect a special format for this, a number followed by its unit in English. Examples:

  • 45s = 45 seconds
  • 10m = 10 minutes
  • 2h = 2 hours
  • 1d = 1 day
  • 2d12h30m10s = 2 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 10 seconds

To resume our previous example, we will therefore tell the bot that registrations must start 19 heures and end 10 minutes before the start of the tournament:

! tset register 19h 10m

If you are not sure of your settings, the !setup command will show you the scheduled times for each phase before confirmation.

Registration in two stages

Here is a fairly specific setting that can be useful for organizing large tournaments, where slots are gone quickly.

You can configure a second opening time for registrations. If registrations are closed at this time, the bot will reopen them. Otherwise, nothing will change.

If you are hosting tournaments with few members, where registrations don’t fill up quickly, or even have no limit on participants, you probably don’t need this, no need to confuse yourself any more.

This works very well in combination with the setting to automatically close registrations when there is no more space, described earlier.

You can, in combination with this setting (or by manually closing registrations earlier), have two phases of automatic registrations, for example to fill the last places in your tournament vacated by check-in.

Personnal example

For Bronol’s tournaments, Super Smash Bronol, this system is used:

  • Registration opens on Friday at 7 p.m. The 128 places fill up very quickly, then the bot closes the registrations.
  • Check-in takes place on Saturday from 2 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Places are thus freed.
  • The bot proceeds to the 2nd opening of registrations at 2:45 p.m. to fill the last places.
    • Either the places are very quickly filled, and the bot automatically closes the registrations.
    • Either everything is not filled, in which case the bot falls back on its closing time at 2:50 p.m.

To configure this, use the command !tset twostagesregister <opening>.

As with the previous commands, <opening> is the delay before the start of the tournament, same format.

Going back to my previous example, here are the commands we used to configure this :

  • !tset register 20h 10m
  • !tset checkin 1h 30m
  • !tset twostageregister 15m
  • !tset autostopregister yes

Manual control

Of course, you can also decide not to automate this and rely on commands. The following are available:

Command Description
!register start Starts registrations.
!register stop Close registrations.
!checkin start Starts the check-in.
!checkin stop Stop check-in (and remove non-checked participants)
!checkin call Mention unchecked members

You can still use these commands in addition to automatic configuration. However, the bot may ask you for other things in relation to the schedule.

For example, if you launch registrations before the scheduled date, the bot will ask if you want to keep the scheduled opening date or not (for a possible 2nd opening).